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Essential Tips For Healthy Eating

Everyone should develop a healthy, balanced diet, if only to avoid the risk of getting sick and the threat of serious illnesses in the long run. Here are some tips that should lead to a healthy eating habit.

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Protein rhymes with lean 
Protein helps build muscles and gives more energy throughout the day. Ten to 35% of your daily calorie intake should come from lean protein like beans and lentils, skinless chicken, and fish.

Carbs should be more complex
Whole grains and leafy green vegetables are complex carbohydrates, and you should have more of them. Simple carbs such as raw sugar get absorbed quickly by the digestive system, causing carb overload. Eat these in moderation.

State the fats correctly
Minimize intake of alcohol, fast food, and saturated fats. Know the difference between good fat and bad fat. Monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids raise good cholesterol. Foods that are high in fatty acids are olive oil, nuts, and fish oil.

Don’t be so salty
We need salt, yes, but only in moderation. Too much of it can lead to high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Use salt sparingly (the iodized variety) and make it a habit to check labels for salt content and levels.

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Water, water everywhere Lastly, purify and detoxify by adding more water to the diet. Start letting go of sodas and other sugar-heavy drinks. This is an easy and healthy change.

James DeVellis, M.D. is a mental and physical wellness educator and green living advocate. He believes that the right nutrition is a crucial part of a healthy and balanced life. For more on his work and advocacies, visit this blog.


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