Enter a gym or a fitness studio, and you would see in many quotes plastered across the walls that hope to inspire clients who are working out. Motivation to hit the gym can be hard to come for most people, but here are some ways that can encourage you to push through with it: Find a gym buddy: Getting someone to join you in the gym or fitness studio can help in a lot of ways. Firstly, the presence of a companion or a couple can make gym sessions more enjoyable. Furthermore, a gym buddy can serve as your accountability partner, someone who would not let you off the hook during your fitness journey. Image source : theodysseyonline.com Track your progress: One reason people feel discouraged from working out is that it seems that their effort is leading them nowhere. From the onset, it is best to track your progress by weighing yourself regularly, and, if possible, measuring your body fat percentage. This way, your improvement, or lack of it, can act as motivation t...
James DeVellis, M.D., is a boutique fitness studio owner and educator . More than the physical, he believes that achieving a stable state of mental health should also be part of a person’s fitness goals. Aside from exercises, James teaches that a healthy diet is also an essential part of overall wellness.